I have Bachelor’s degree in computer science with grade good from Assiut University, Faculty of Computers and Information Science, Department of information system. I am experienced developer with a solid background in a wide range of .NET development aspects in a business application context. My expertise includes all development stages, from initial analysis through design and execution. In addition to my technical skills, I am a great communicator and team player. My ability to communicate well enables me to work effectively with clients to identify objectives and requirements for applications.
Designer & Web Developer.
- Birthday: 29 March 1987
- Phone: (+20) 01150772869
- Address: : El Qalioubeya/Bahteem
- Nationality: Egyptian
- Degree: Master
- Email: mohamed.asd.2010@gmail.com
- Freelance: Available
- Military Service: Finished
Happy Clients consequuntur quae
Projects adipisci atque cum quia aut
Hours Of Support aut commodi quaerat
Hard Workers rerum asperiores dolor
I have a good skills in .net developement with 5+ years of experience designing and developing software applications from initial concept to final, polished deliverable.
The Folwing Sumary Showes Eduation And Work Experience.
Mohamed Mostafa Hegazy
Innovative and deadline-driven .net developer with 5+ years of experience designing and developing software applications from initial concept to final, polished deliverable.
- :El Qalioubeya
- (+20) 01150772869
- mohamed.asd.2010@gmail.com
High School
2002 - 2004
Gamal Abd El Naser Highschool
High school diploma with grade very good
Bachelor of Computer and information Science
2005 - 2009
Faculty of computer and information science
Bachelor’s degree in computer science with grade good from Assiut University, Faculty of Computers and Information Science, Department of information system
Senior .Net developer
2018 - Present
Tidal Information System Co.
- Team member in design, development, and implementation of ERP System (Desktop system stores, sales, purchases, finance and HR modules)
- Team member in development of Cooling Inventory system (Desktop system for cooling inventory with C#, sql server and DevExpress)
- development Smart Client System (POS System for Pharmacies and markets developed with C#, Entity sql server and DevExpress)
- development Smart Database Backup System (Desktop system for creating backup of sql and oracle databases according to schedule)
- Team member in design, development, and implementation of Tawzif System (Web application which offer jobs for job seekers developed by asp.net MVC, Jquery)
- Team member in design, development, and implementation of AQarat system (web application for Managing the buying, selling and renting real estates developed by asp.net MVC , Jquery)
C# and asp.net developer
2015 - 2017
- Design and developed company portfolio website.
- Design and developed Ecommerce website.
- Developed POS System for Pharmacies and markets
- Developed CVs Management System (web system for Manage CVs )
Web Design
We create websites design with modern and responsive tools, Web design encompasses many different skills and disciplines in the production and maintenance of websites
Software Support
Software Support Engineering is a shared services organization responsible for providing multi-faceted application engineering services to multiple Digital product development teams
Software Maintenance
Software maintenance in software engineering is the modification of a software product after delivery to correct faults, to improve performance or other attributes.
My Contact Data As Showen Below.
El Qalioubeya/ Mostorod